Faux Finishing and Decorative Paints

Add a unique touch to your home with faux finishing and decorative paint finishes.

The right decorative paint finish can add a touch of grandeur to an otherwise plain room, making all the difference. Faux finishes, also known as decorative paint finishes, is a type of decorative painting that incorporates different materials and techniques, such as stencils, stripes, feathering, texturing, and marbling, to create a unique effect.

Faux Finishing

Decorative paint finishes have endless combinations and can add beauty and sophistication to any area. With a faux finish, you have the freedom to combine any color you wish with different techniques to achieve the exact style you want. They provide a more creative and unique way to decorate a room and can give the appearance of much more expensive material for a fraction of the price.

Selecting the right faux finishing can be difficult, especially with so many techniques and color combinations to choose from. Our licensed painters at Chicago Paint Crew have over 30 years of experience in creating a wide variety of decorative paint finishes and can help. We will work with you to determine the right decorative paint finish that suits your interior during your free consultation and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to talk more about the right faux finishing for your interior design needs!

Our Faux Painting Services Provide These Detailed Services

Faux Finishes

Wood Graining

Textured Walls

Room Painting

Wall Texturing

Painting Stucco

House Painters

Faux Finishes Estimate

Interior Painting

Wall Murals

Faux Finishes Services

Metallic Paint Finish

What Our Clients Are Saying About Painting Services

chicagopaintcrew is Rated: 3 / 3 based on this 1 happy customer reviews.

“I’m. just shocked I didn’t think the color and quality would make my house and furniture look new. I’m in love with my house.”

Kattie W in Northbrook, IL | Rated: 3 / 3

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